I am Jitesh

Full-Stack Developer with expertise in MERN, Spring Boot, and mobile applications. Committed to delivering secure, innovative and scalable software solutions.

My Resume


Experienced in diverse web technologies, encompassing MERN, Spring Boot, Next.js, Docker, AWS EC2/S3, and CI/CD workflows.

  • Languages

    Java, JavaScript, Kotlin
    C++, Swift, C#, Python.

  • Frameworks

    React.js, SpringBoot, Node js, Express js
    Next js, TailwindCSS.

  • Other Technologies

    MongoDB, Firebase, MySQL, Docker, AWS EC2 and S3, CI/CD, Agile Methodologies, Cypress test and JUnit.

About Me

Developing projects and learning new skills fascinates me.



Architected a digital nomad platform using Spring Boot, React.js, MongoDB, and integrated APIs. Enhanced performance and security with AWS EC2, Docker, web sockets, and robust testing via JEST and JUnit

  • Spring Boot
  • Docker
  • React.js
  • Docker
  • AWS

Rate My Property

Worked as a Front-End developer to build responsive and user-friendly interface for the web application using Next js, React js and Tailwind CSS. Rate my property is a website to give and view anonymous reviews on rental properties. Useful for future tenants in Canada.

  • Next
  • Docker
  • Express
  • TailwindCSS
  • AWS

Child Monitoring System

Implemented a system that helps to track the various data like the temperature of a body, sleep cycles, moisture in the diaper and live feed, etc. of an infant and transmits data in real-time using Rasberry Pi to parent or guardian and displays it through a web app built using JavaScript and Firebase database.

  • Firebase
  • JavaScript
  • Python

City Cop

Unity 2D game, You has a cop have to complete several missions to earn points and move to next level.

  • Unity2D
  • C#
  • Blender

Kinapped Vehicle Project

Your robot has been kidnapped and transported to a new location! Luckily it has a map of this location, a (noisy) GPS estimate of its initial location, and lots of (noisy) sensor and control data. This project implements a 2 dimensional particle filter in C++. The particle filter will be given a map and some initial localization information. At each time step the filter will also get observation and control data.

  • C++
  • Unity
  • Blender

Generating Adversarial Examples using Feature Imposition

Imposed features of data from one class onto data from another class and try to confuse the classifier from classifying to true class.

  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • Sci-kit Learn

If you have any questions or would like connect, feel free to contact me.